
my lovely weekend

hey heyyy,,
eyakkk,, sebelum weekend gw mulai masa2 indahnyahh,, pas plng skolahh gw menerima sms dr seseorang yg menyebalkan yg berisi: 'duh,, kyknyahh gag jdi plng deh,, msti kuliah' anjrid,, tht's my turning point,, dr pgii udahh mengharapkan bs ktmu ma tuh org,, mlh dy blg gag jdii,, dsr org yg menyebalkan,, haha,, lngsung tuh org yg menyebalkan gw tpun,, eh ternyataa dy udh d travel,, mmg org yg menyebalkans,, ckck,, dikerjain gw! haha,, pokoknyahh intinyahh jumat mlm ama sabtu siang ampe sore,, i spent my time with him,, so happy =) kta sempet nntn doomsday d sms,, ad c carla ma cecel jga iktan,, hihi,, org yg menyebalkan ituhh tdinyahh gag maoo nntn doomsday,, maunyahh pink panther 2,, (gara2 dy takud <-- ? haha) tpi akhirnyahh kta nntn doomsday jgaa,, krn pas bngd gw mao nntn tuh film,, hehe,, tpii yg pastii,, kta sempet foto2 d rmhnyahh d gardenia!! (sumpah tuh rmh bnran mantaps kotornyah!) haha,, bagi yg pnya facebook,, bbrapa fto sdh d upload,, haha,,

dy balik k bandung sabtu mlm,, sempat terancam gag plng gara2 tmnnyah gag ngasi no tlp travel,, tp untung bs balikk,, soalnyahh hr minggunyahh dy msti k bengkel (bkn bengkel mbil,, tpi bengkel duren,, haha) miss u so!! =p

nehh slh satuu fto dr bnyk fto yg tercipta hr 2 hr ituhh,, haha,, =) sebenernyahh gw maoo ngasi fto yg dmn muka org yg menyebalkannyahh lebih nista,, tpi kasian ahh =p (candaa will,, hihi)

bagi yg gag tauu ignatius william yg mana,, tuh orgnyahh yg d fto,, hihi,,

o yeaa~ starting from tomorrow,, i will go to bali with my friends regarding the study trip from my school,, so won't be online,, hope u guys won't miss me (sp cobaa yg bkal kngen,, ge er lu cum! haha) yg psti sehh i will miss him! hihi,, bali here i come!! wait for meeeee! (kyk bali bs kmana dehh,, haha,, lebayyy2)

-yeaa,, i'm going to BALI!


happy =)

yeay!! i'm happy today!!
i'm happy because i recieve a news that he will go back to jakarta tommorrow! he will approximately arrived in alam sutera around 5 pm,, finally i can meet him (well,, just met him on tuesday,, but,, the more the better right? ;p) he will be in jakarta till saturday night i think,, LOL,, hope he will have a pleasant trip tommorrow =p really really really can't wait to meet him!! I.M.U.L

-waiting.waiting.keep on WAITING =)


well,, mybe if u read the title,, mybe you start thinking of something weird,, tpi yg psti bkn gw yg aborsi (pnya bayi ajh blom,, tahap sebelonnyahh jga blom lahh yahh,, haha,,) well~ gw tdii gag ad kerjaan gtuu,, gw iseng2 bukain blog2 org,, nahh pas gw buka blog enci gw,, gw menemukan sebuah kata2 yg menyentuh hati abis! you all should read this and help stop abortion,, when i read it,, i cried on the inside,, it made me questioned,, why people want to abort their own child? so cruel! (quote: 'mkanyahh klo mao sex msti yg safe sex!' <-- bnr jga nehh,, ap lgii klo blm mauu mba and so on and so on!) never thought of killing a little baby like that ='(
STOP ABORTION!! oh yeah~ and one more thing,, it's not like i agree with sex before marriage,, but,, if you don't want to have any children yet,, please FOR YOUR OWN SAKE AND HEALH,, SAFE SEX MAN!

Month One
I am only 8 inches long
but I have all my organs.
I love the sound of your voice.
Every time I hear it
I wave my arms and legs.
The sound of your heart beat
is my favorite lullaby.

Month Two
today I learned how to suck my thumb.
If you could see me
you could definitely tell that I am a baby.
I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though.
It is so nice and warm in here.

Month Three
You know what Mommy
I'm a boy!
I hope that makes you happy.
I always want you to be happy.
I don't like it when you cry.
You sound so sad.
It makes me sad too
and I cry with you even though
you can't hear me.

Month Four
my hair is starting to grow.
It is very short and fine
but I will have a lot of it.
I spend a lot of my time exercising.
I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes
and stretch my arms and legs.
I am becoming quite good at it too.

Month Five
You went to the doctor today.
Mommy, he lied to you.
He said that I'm not a baby.
I am a baby Mommy,
your baby.
I think and feel.
Mommy, what's abortion?

Month Six
I can hear that doctor again.
I don't like him.
He seems cold and heartless.
Something is intruding my home.
The doctor called it a needle.
Mommy what is it? It burns!
Please make him stop!
I can't get away from it!
Mommy! HELP me!

Month Seven
I am okay.
I am in Jesus's arms.
He is holding me.
He told me about abortion.
Why didn't you want me Mommy?

Every Abortion Is Just . . .
One more heart that was stopped.
Two more eyes that will never see.
Two more hands that will never touch.
Two more legs that will never run.
One more mouth that will never speak.

If you're against abortion, DEFINITELY repost this and if you almost cried, post this in your blog!

please if you read it,, post it on your blog,, because it mybe can b helpful for many people out there! ayoo yooo,, kasian lohh Tuhan udahh cape2 kasi nyawa,, mlh dibuang sia2,, ckck,, because,, u know,, even though it's still an embrio,, it has a heart that beats,, it has a LIFE! like rest of us,, =)
down here is one of the example of abortion,, see him/her,, and feel him/her,,

-concern bout abortion



hey heyyy!!
finally i went to bandung with lydia and bu aster,, haha,,
tujuan utama k bandung: praktek undur2 bwd ICYS,,
tujuan sampingan k bandung: meet him! wlopun cuma bentar doang,, =)

jdii bgini tohh critanyahh,, gw pagi2 bngun jem stengah 5an,, liat jem,, matiin alarm,, tdur lgii,, haha,, jem 5an,, bngun,, beres2,, mandi dll,, kebawah,, dijemput lydia jem 6an,, kta nunggu bu aster d pintu samping loren,, sementara ituhh gw ma lydia msti mskin data komputer k usb gw yg akn d kasi k widya biar bisa d kasi k idl (berhubung tuh usb baruu,, gw rada gaptek gag tau cara pakenyahh,, mkanyah mskin datanyah msti nunggu lydia,, haha) after that we berangkat!! yahh bagian ini bs d fast forward krn sebagian bsr waktu kami tidur,, (yahh kecuali supirnyah lahh,, haha) nyampe d bandung lngsung kta nyari mobil holland bakery,, yahh rencananyah c maoo bliin roti gtu bwd staff2nyahh yg d itb,, tpii gag ktmu,, jdi yasudalahh,, hihi,, krn gag ktmu2 jga,, kta k itb,, nah d itb,, kta ngerjain proyek undur2 kta,, mulai dari ambil darah lewad buntut tuhh tikus (kasian c pake d potong trus d pijet2 biar kluar tuh darah,, tpi mo gmn lagii,, maafkan kami tikus!) ampe bkin ekstrak undur2 ama ngambil serum darah,, semua mantaps! haha,,

di bwh inii merupakan fto saia dgn tangan saia yg belepotan darah tikus,, =p

dan dibawah inii adalahh lydia dan saia dgn darah yg udh d sentrifuse 2x,, jdii tinggal serumnyahh,,

lanjut~ pokoknyah tuh serum2 bkal d bekuin biar tahan lama soalnyah bsk2 bru d uji,, haha,, and tht's what i did in itb,,

well,, the nice things happend after itb,, jadii kami bis slese emg rencananyah maoo mkn batagor kingsley (we are craving for it!!) tpii tkut kemlman plngnyah klo k kingsley gtuu,, jdii ad org yg berbaik hati membelikannyah untuk kamii (thx lohh!! =p) dari itb jdii kita lngsung k toko es duren yg baru tapi enk d dket daerah unpar,, yg bernama 'bengkel duren' <-- yahh namanyah emg rada anh sehh,, haha,, klo mauu tauu,, kalian bisa nanya orgnyah langsung alamatnyah dmn,, krn gw pun gag afal,, haha,, jdii kta mkn batagor d toko es duren ituhh,, yakk sebagai org yg alergi cabe,, gw lngsung bertanya pda lydia klo tuh bumbu kacangnyah pedes ato ga,, dy blg kaga,, jdii gw mkn pke tuhh bumbu kacang,, ternyataaa,, pas d tngah2 santapan,, lydia kepedesan,, ituh artinyahh,, gw kepedesan bngd! ckck,, krng ajar tuh bumbu kacang! muka gw ktnyah saat ituh merah bngd,, ckck,, nasib2,, haha,, abis batagor abis,, org yg baik ituuhh udah mesenin es duren bwd kita ber3,, gw terdiam,, hening,, 'lyd! lu cobain dulu dehh,, enk gag?' lydia menyantapnyah,, dan,, ktanyahh enak! tpii gw masii ragu2,, 'bu,, cobain dehh,, enk gag?' bu aster menyantap,, dan enak menurut pendapatnyahh,, darii situ ada aura2 anh darii sebelahh kanan gw,, menyuruh gw untuk segera mkn tuh es duren,, dgn berad hati gw coba,, dannnnnn,, ternyata enak! haha,, dr pertama tuh org critain gw ttg es duren,, gw udah meragukan gtuu,, tpii ternyata enk jga,, haha,, abis slese mkn es duren,, c bu aster k wc,, (critanyah mo bkin biar gw bisa ngobrol leluasa ama tuh org baikk,, haha,, wlpun caranyah ktawan dan sedikit nyindir,, tpii makasihh yah bu! hihi) pas bu aster pergi gw lngsung memberikan dy bingkisan yg tertunda,, haha,, (untuk info bingkisan lebih lengkap dpt lngsung d tnya k org yg nrima,, k?) abis bu aster balik dr wc,, kta harus berpisahh,, ahh tidakkk!! tpii tak apalahh,, moga2 ad lain waktu gw dan org yg baik ituh dpt bertemu,, hihi,, d mbil,, gw d sindir2,, sampe akhirnyahh tibalahh waktuu untuk tdur (lagii) haha,, tht's the end of my trip to bandung,, wish i couldgo to bandung someday only to visit him (tpii kyknyahh gag mngkin dehh,, haha)

message for the kind guy: thx for everything! especially thx for the batagor! (u know lahh how long i've been craving for it =p) o yeaa~ hope u like my presents lohh,, hihi,, it's a shame that we only can meet for a short period of time,, i hope next time we meet,, we could be together for a whole day =)

-craving for tiramisu cake =p


valentine day

hey hey everybody!! it's vday already!! hihi,, HAPPY VALENTINE DAY PEOPLE! shower this world with love,, hope u all can find ur own love out there =)

well,, today akhirnyahh gw jdii ktmu ma koko ricky sodara gw,, hihi,, after i join the hip hop class,, gw dan tata main alat dgnnyahh,, hihi,, (thx loh ko btw!) skrg gw sdg berbaring d ranjang tercinta gw,, pegal2,, (ko ricky perhatian c,, tdii suru gw istirahat gtuu,, tp sama ajh! haha) gag tauu knp c koko ituh emg iseng bngd,, masa klo ama tata dy bae,, beban d kurangin,, nahh klo ma gw? ckck,, haha,, but overall u r awesome brother! (bnrkah dy mirip bngd ma UB?? ckck) ayoo ko! bsk lgii!! jmpt gw!! haha,, =p

ad yg ngirimin gw paket gtuu,, wlopun gw msti ngambil tuh paket d ujung bsd,, tp,, thx bngd lohh,, haha,, *untuk detail gag bs d jlskan,, maap2,, haha*
for YOU: happy vday yahh,, hihi,, thx bngd lohh bwd paketnyahh (bkin melting,, haha,,) ur so sweet!! ILU!! =p

so one of the presents inside the box is a song cd,, this is the lyric of my 2nd fav part of the cd,, the song is called 'All My Life' by K-Ci and Jojo,, (i put it on my blog,, if you want to hear it,, just click the last I):

Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby
I will never find another lover sweeter than you,
sweeter than you
and I will never find another lover more precious than you,
precious than you
Girl You are Close to me just like my mother,
Close to me just like my father,
Close to me just like my sister,
Close to me just like my brother
You are the only one my everything and for you this song I sing
All my life I pray for someone like you
And I thank God that I, that I finally found you
All my life I pray for someone like you
And I hope that you feel the same way too
Yes, I pray that you do, love me too
I promise to never fall in love with a stranger,
You're all I'm thinking of I praise the Lord above,
For sending me your love, I cherish every hug,
All my life, I pray for someone like you,
And I thank God that I, that I finally found you
All my life I pray for someone like you
And I hope that you feel the same way too
Yes, I pray that you do, love me
You're all that I've ever known,
when you smile my face always seems to glow,
You turn my life around,
You pick me up when I was down,
You're all that I've ever known,
when you smile my face glows,
You picked me up when I was down,
You're all that I've ever known,
when you smile my face glows glows,
You picked me up when I was down
and I hope that you feel the same way too,
Yes I pray that you do love me too!
All my life, I pray for someone like you,
And I thank God that I, that I finally found you
All my life I pray for someone like you
Yes, I pray that you do, love me too
All my life, I pray for someone like you,
And I thank God that I, that I finally found you
All my life I pray for someone like you
Yes, I pray that you do, love me too
All my life I pray for someone like you

well,, that is gonna b my song of the moment =p (heart) it!
can't wait to celebrate vday and prengkie's bday in the cafe-mulia hotel with my besties! haha,, thn ini krn satu dan dua hal,, akhirnyah gw vday ama tmn2 gw,, i'm not disappointed (well,, a little,, =p) but,, love my besties as well! kawans,, tunggu saia yahhh!! hihi,, sayang kalians!!

-happy.happy.HAPPY =p


my time alone

hey heyy,, at last i can use the internet,, well,, it's my school wifi,, so it's kinda slow,, but i can live with that =p so now it's my project period,, yahh as usuall,, gag ngapa2in,, apalgii skrg lydia lgii ul kimia gtuu,, jdii i'm alone now,, nothing to do =( eh lydia balikk,, haha,, tpii udh mauu plng,, yasudahlahh,, haha,,

today i'm gonna talk about idelia's swit 17 as i have promised,, LOL,,

lydia janji ama gw klo bkal siap jem 4an,, jdii krn siangnyah ad rapat gw msti blik jem 3an dr sms,, jadwal udah fix,, rapat jem 1an ampe 3an,, balikk,, mandii,, siap2,, d jemput lydia,, and caoooo,, tpii,, pas gw tnya jem 4an lydia blg,, 'kta jdi pginyah jem stenga 5 ato 5an yahh' swt,, dah siap gw,, dah make up,, sedihh,, patahh hati gw ma lydiaa,, hixx,, haha,, ternyataaa smua,, gara2,, REZKIIII!! dy lgii tnding bola gtuu (btw,, congrad yahh yg mnang!!) jdii msti nungguin dy,, TAPII jem 6an dy bru beres,, ckck,, yg tdinyah mao brangkat jem 4an jdii jem 6,, mana acara mulainyah jem 7 apalagii d mbilnyah lydia smuanyah candle,, awww~ jdii kta ktmuan ma rezki d dpn omni,, jem 6an! dy abis tanding,, BLOM MANDI,, gag mauu tauu msti jln,, gag sempet mndii,, ckck,, akhirnyahh kta bawain parfum bwd dy,, yg membuat satuu mobil jdii wangi,, ckck,, lanjutt~ di mobil,, gw lydia anet latian nyanyi 'you got a friend'-nyahh McFly (search the song! love it!!) bwd d jdiin suprise bwd idel,, hihi,, nyampe2 d olive tree hotel nikko,, PAS BNGD,, idel bru kluar,, ckck,, klo kta telat,, bs2 rezki gw gantung kebalikk,, haha,, canda2 ki!! =p kesan pertama idel dtg: CUAKEPPPP,, idel mlm ituuhh cantik bngd dehh,, kyk agnes monica gtuu,, tpii ktnyah kyk sandra dewii,, jdi mirip sp?? agnes dewi? haha,, (iyee gw tauu jayusshh) yea~ pertama kta nyanyi2 bla2 yg d lanjutkan dgn mkn mlm,, mknannyahh MANTAP! thx yahh del! wlopun gw cuma mkn dimsum ama sushi sashimi,, tpii puas kokk del,, PUAS! =) btw,, wktu mkn gw kesita gara2 msti latian nyanyi accapela ntuhh,, di private room blkng gtuu (rada gag jls ruang apaan,, haha) abis ituh msti cndle dluu,, abis cndle,, bru dehh kta nyanyii,, abis nyanyii idel gw pelokk,, haha,, sedihnyahh c idel gag nangis,, pdhal kta udh nyiapin suprise,, pas d tnya alesannyahh,, dy blg,, 'gw udah bnyk d kerjain gtuu,, haha' ckck,, abis ituhh kta main games!! games beruntun gtuu,,
game 1: kaki diiket balon,, hrs berusaha mecahin balon tmn,, tnpa balon ndiri pecah,,
yahh bs ditebak,, balon gw pecah! haha,, nonii nehh,, mkn tmn! haha,,
games 2: pemenang game 1 maen rebutan kursi,, (tpii bkn kyk monik pnya) jdii d kursi udh ad cwo duduk tngannyah k belakang,, ngangkang,, cwe yg rebutin gtuu,, haha,, seruu dahh,,
yahh pokoknyahh intinyahh yg mnang tuhh games colekk ma nenek,, mrk b2 dpt hp!! hihi,,
abis ituhh kta ad joget2 bersamaa,, dan eng i eng,, slow dance! c idel sngaja masang2 bbrapa org yg lgii 'panas gosipnyah' saat ituhh,, haha,, (idel blg mauu ngerjain gw,, tpii gag bs,, haha) yahh stlh ituhh bnyk yg plng,, untuk slow dance,, akhirnyahh gw ma stanley.bale,, krn ktnyahh yg mnang dpt tiket premiere gtuu,, mkanyahh gw stanley dan sinchan aridi dgn smangat 45 mauu menang!! tpii ujung2nyahh pasangan gw sinchan dan kta memenangkan flashdisc 2 gb,, lumayan2~ haha,, thx loh del! hihi,, well after that brenda anet lydia gw carla memberikan idel,, her last suprise,, kta bawain kue,, hihi,, lau colek2an kue (dikit,, abisnyahh kuenyahh syng,, haha) well tht's all for idelia chandra's parteee,, it's FUN! =)

this is one of the pics from idl's partee (ini sebelum idl d colekin kue,, yeaa~ you know lahh how it goes =p)

well today,, mr william go back to bandung,, so i won't meet him for long time,, yeaa~ it's sad,, but what can i do?? haha,, skrg sibuk dy ngurusin bengkel durennyahh,, (duren muluu nehh yg d urusin,, =p) haha,, gud luck yaph!! =)

-nothing to do,, (really??!! LOL)


help help!! i can't sleep

so,, u can see the title of this post,, yaph,, i can't sleep ='( i don' know the reason,, just can't sleep,, text him,, but he didn't reply *yea~ i know he's asleep,, so he won't reply it* so,, dr pda gag ad kerjaan,, gw membuka blog inii dan mengupdatenyahh =)

bdan saia lemas2 pegal2,, this is because tdii ad swit 17 idel,, tpii sebelum kta msk k critanyahh swit 17 idel,, gmn klo kta ngomongin sehr sebelum swit 17 idel? bagaiimanaa?? hihi,,

harii yg menyenangkan bagii bbrapa ank 2ipa2,, inii adlh harii dmn mantan.2ipa2 merayakan swit 17nyah,, sp lagii klo bkn monik? (hepi bdei loh mon!) tpii sbelumnyahh marilahh saia ktakan bahwa,, i watched benjamin button! (klo lu ngertii critanyahh,, MEANING abis! behh~) nahh lanjut,, after i watched it,, i bought a present for monic *well,, technically kadonyahh patungan =p* after that i went home,, beres2,, jmpt desi ama catherine (lama nunggu d mbil krn KADO.SATU LAGI.NYAH BLON D BUNGKUS MA MRK!) laluu jmpt ivani dan k rmh iin dlu bwd ambil brg gw,, bru dehh kt k telaga seafood restaurant a.k.a tempat swit 17nyahh,, dsna kta bertemu dengan para undangan dari candle tree (gag tauu nama2nyah) dan jugaa ad ibu caroline,, ibu aster,, dan ibu lena (yg dtg pas lgii doa yg dipimpin ma ibu caroline,, =D) yakkk! abis doa kta nyanyiii,, potong kue,, trus ad ank candle tree yg nyanyii sempurna *suara lu~ GAOOLL!* trus kta mkn kue,, dan saatnyahh untukk,, yakk! games!
btw,, pertama monik kluar dgn dress pinknyahh en high heels *so kyut gtuu-bembi terpesonaa* laluu dy gnti jdii jeans jumper pink ma spatu pink *nice!*
games pertamaaa: joget berpasangan dgn balon yg d apit dgn punggung,, <-- yg mnang ank candle tree
down here,, games pertama,, cath n moses + desi.mba n bembi,,games keduaaa: rebutan kursi <-- yg menang,, our very own MELISSA =)

btw,, yg dr loren ituhh,, ada gw cath desi ivani bembi moses vini melissa tm serta para guruu dan ank2nyahh,,
oh yeah,, mybe some of u find it biasa,, tapii,, d swit 17 monik ad murid seangkatan gw yg pcran ma guru lukis candle tree,, ank candle tree lahh! wew,, well i found it shocking!
abis games,, we eat! yea~ seafud lahh (p.s for will: ada CUMI GORENG TEPUNG LOHHH!! =p) yahh enk lahh~ hihi,, pas mkn,, busuknyahh kta mulai kluar,, kta fto2 (baca: jepretan pertama fto bnran,, jepretan kedua bembi monik doang yg dgn 'tdk sengaja' duduk bersebelahann,, hihi) stlh mkn,, 'NONTON YUUUUU!!' sebenernyahh msh ad acara,, games2 gtuu,, tpii krn kta takk tauu mauu ngapain lgii,, akhirnyahh gw moses bembi ivani melissa metta (yg d jmpt moses) pergi nntn underworld (watch it! nice movie!) d sms yg ramenyahh setengahh matii!! (i met mikii! dah lama gag ktmu ma dy,, hihi,, kpn nehh mikk kta puppy?? hihi =p) laluu stlh ituhh plng,, well tht's all for the day =) down here is kami dgn monik serta bu lena dan ibunda dari monik =p

well,, i will tell u all about idel's party in separated post,, cause it's special,, k? but not now,, cause i have heaps to do =)

-can't sleep,, had a sakid perut ='(


do something good.feel something real

hey heyy,,i wrote this post during the speaking and listening class,, so boring!! wew,, shawn now is talking bout needy,, 'so class what is needy? indentify something/one that is needy!!' wtf! dan kta mendengarkan suatu rekaman interview yg mantap abis,, d tengah2 interviewnyah ada suara piano,, suara org nyanyii dan suara anjing menggong-gong,, woof woof~ swt,, mana suara orgnyahh kecil bngd lgii,, ckck,, *sakid hatii gila dengernyahh* shawn tiba2 dtg k gw,, 'michelle i need u to close ur laptop for me,, kay?' wew,, bntar yee boo,, ckck,, demi lu?? for what? it's like u r my boss! huh! well,, talking bout the title of this post,, i quote it from one of the listening tht we do,, it's simple but i love it,, cause it's true,, so tht's why im gonna try to do more good things for others in need =)

today is so humid,, just little rain,, pdahal d thn2 kmrn tgl 3 feb ituh adlh tgl dmn banjir tuh plg dasyat! why there's no float ths year in jakarta?? huhu,, *gila perut gw skrg kenyang bngd (nyambung abisss)* tdii liga futsal,, ank kls 2 ips klh ma ank kls 1,, ini dekarenakan olehh HUJAN KECIL yg dtg tiba2,, ngeganggu ajahh,, ckck,,

today yg plg menyenangkan adalah saia dan teman2s ngobrol//gosip2 d kantin,, dan,, eng i eng,, ad topik yg 'penting abiss' ckck,, to refresh ur memories kawans,, tdi kta membicarakan tentang yg nyerempet2 ke arah yg berhubungan dgn PIK,, baju renang,, segitiga,, dan dan dannn,, lanjutannyah,, haha,, *apaa c cum,, ckck* gw curiga otak kta udahh gag seperti yg duluu,, haha,,

but tht's not the only thing im worried about,, im worried bout him,, he's now in the hospital,, he got the dengue fever,, he's 39 degree high,, ='( sedii bngd dehh,, pdhal dy d jkt tpi gag bs ktmu gara2 dy (tetep) nun jauh dsana,, ckck,, coba dy ad d omni ato d lippo dehh,, gw jenguk d,, ckck,, heyy mr ignatius william,, sorry tht i can't be beside u right now,, sorry tht i can't be thre for u when u r sick,, it's not like i don't want to,, but i can't,, sorry ='( i wish i can,,

-*crossing finger,, wishing hard*