harii inii,, saia bangun siang,, laluu mandii,, prgi k kuburan bwd sembahyang,, laluu prgi k ultah philip,, dan plng,, short day for me,, tommorow my sis come back from perth for holiday,, hoping she'll have a pleasant flight :D
well,, sebelum bln ini berakhir,, gw mauu mengucapkan alles gute zum geburtstag -- happy birthday,, buat:
17: marcello//bembi
19: philip + clarissa//dotis
20: devin
21: rheta
25: ernest
29: pa tri (jdii inget pa tri d kerjain ama ank kls gw,, haha,, berkesan tuhh! :D)
31: loren//ddnyah stvn
wish all of u all the best,, may God bless u all >.<
he said that he's all better,, hope he will get well soon so he could go back to jakarta next week,, *LOL* now he's asleep,, want to text him,, but don't want to disturb him,, *sigh*
-i miss u like crazy
‘Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
‘Cause I love you, whether it’s wrong or right
And though I can’t be with you tonight
And know my heart is by your side
diatas ini merupakan potongan dr lyric 'if you'r not the one' by Daniel Bedingfield,, lyricnyah klo d baca keren bngd,, menyentuhh hati,, cieeeehh~
actually right now i don't have anything to do,, i can't sleep (some part of me just thinking of him,, worrying about him) tpii emg gw tuhh sprtinyah anh,, klo bsknyahh liburan,, gw bs ajahh begadang kuat bngd,, kyknyah insomnia nehh gw,, haha,, sbnrnyah mauu tdur,, tpi gag bs,, *swt*
yasudalahhh,, dakuu ingin matikan laptop dan mencoba untuk tdur (amin klo bs,, hihi) spertinyahh kokk saia jdii rajin sekalii yahh mengupdate blog? haha,,
get well soon
so today is a holiday! yea~ (jarang2 gtu loren ngasi libur,, haha) i woke up late,, and went to sms with cecel,, we watched bride war,, it's great!! <-- watch it kawnss!! hihi,, then i went to the gym,, join the body pump class,, and then (bolos les) hang out at cecel's,, and here i am bloging,,
hr ini bnran dy sakid,, dy gag bs tdur,, tpii dy gag sms gw,, dy tkut mengganggu gw,, mlh skrg gw yg gag enk ma dy,, klo bs mlh gw mao nemenin dy,, huhu,,
note for YOU: GET WELL SOON!! heyy,, u never disturb me,, just tell me,, i'll be there for u,, k?
-say no more,, say no more,,
hr ini bnran dy sakid,, dy gag bs tdur,, tpii dy gag sms gw,, dy tkut mengganggu gw,, mlh skrg gw yg gag enk ma dy,, klo bs mlh gw mao nemenin dy,, huhu,,
note for YOU: GET WELL SOON!! heyy,, u never disturb me,, just tell me,, i'll be there for u,, k?
-say no more,, say no more,,
kambing jantan!
for YOU
this post is specially for YOU,, (cieehh~ apahh c?? haha)
saia akan mendukung apapun yg engkauu lakukan,, termsk wlopun duren yg hrs d pentingin,,--sepertii skrg,, saia menungguu saat kau berurusan ma durenmuu tercintahh-- haha,, (ngalahhlahh gw ma duren,, hihi,,) because i know it's important for you,, and what's important for you,, is also important for me,, (aaahhh~ haha,,) but,, dont b too tired lahh,, so u wont get ill :) still waiting for ur promise lohh!! hihi,, MU!
-signing out
saia akan mendukung apapun yg engkauu lakukan,, termsk wlopun duren yg hrs d pentingin,,--sepertii skrg,, saia menungguu saat kau berurusan ma durenmuu tercintahh-- haha,, (ngalahhlahh gw ma duren,, hihi,,) because i know it's important for you,, and what's important for you,, is also important for me,, (aaahhh~ haha,,) but,, dont b too tired lahh,, so u wont get ill :) still waiting for ur promise lohh!! hihi,, MU!
-signing out
crazy project time
hey heyy,, so now im dilligent to update my blog,, haha,, so happy that finally i can use the internet,, hihi,, skrg lgii nungguin seseorang yg lgii ngurusin usahanyahh,, bntar lgii maoo buka,, rada sedihh sehh dikalahkan olehh duren,, tpii maoo gmn lgi,, hrs mendukung apapun yg ia lakukan,, haha,, btw this blog is not bout it,, saia hr inihh akan bercerita ttg jem proyek saia,, :D
jdii d loren ituuhh ad yg namanyah jem proyek,, semua org akan dsuru untuk buat 1 proyek besar buat setahunn,, buat kls 2,, proyeknyahh ndiri2 (kn klo kls 1 dlu kta ditemani oleh satuu partner tercintahh agar tdk bosan--krn gag ngapa2in,, haha) nahh tetapii thn ini gw akan pergi ikt ICYS,, jdii gw mengerjakan proyek gw bersama dgn partner tercintakuhh,, LYDIA,, hihi,,
knp gw blg jem proyek gw gila??
1. gw b2 (yg b2 cuma bbrapa org gtuu)
2. proyek gw prakteknyahh d ITB --> alhasil d loren gag ngapa2in,,
3. nilai proyek gw mendekati 8
yakk klo dirangkum jdii satuu,, beginii hasilnyahh,,
udahh proyekk b2,, gag ngapa2in,, dpt 8 pula,, ckck,, haha,, maaf lohh,, bkn slh saiaa,, haha,,
jdii,, apakah yg saia lakukan pda jam2 proyek??
pertama dtg absen,, trus buka laptop,, maen internet ampe plng,, kdg foto2 d laptop,, haha,, bgtulahh indahnyahh jem proyekk saia bersama lydiaa,, haha,,
this is two of my pics taken on the project period ^^
muka nista lydia,, wenda dan saia,, haha,,

senyum indah,, senyum pepsodent!! yea~
attention people,,
jika ingin memberikan komen,, silahkan tuliskan di tag board ajahh!! (krn ga gag tauu setting komen gw,, haha,,)
thx2,, :D
jika ingin memberikan komen,, silahkan tuliskan di tag board ajahh!! (krn ga gag tauu setting komen gw,, haha,,)
thx2,, :D
so this is my another unimportant post,, this post is only for saying these simple words,,
didoakan langgeng,, and thx for the PBJ :D
didoakan langgeng,, and thx for the PBJ :D
officially missing YOU
heyy guys,, so this post is not really important,, but,, this is Tamia's 'Officially Missing You',, LOVE this song! (click the last I to listen to the song)
oh yea~ i'm officially missing YOU! :D
[Verse One]
All I hear is raindrops
Falling on the rooftop
Oh baby tell me why’d you have to go
Cause this pain I feel
It wont go away
And today I’m officially missing you
I thought that from this heartache
I could escape
But I fronted long enough to know
There ain’t no way
And today
I’m officially missing you
[Chorus]Oh can’t nobody do it like you
Said every little thing you do
Hey baby say it stays on my mind
And I, I’m officially
[Verse Two]
All I do is lay around
Two ears full of tears
From looking at your face on the wall
Just a week ago you were my baby
Now I don’t even know you at all
I don’t know you at all
Well I wish that you would call me right now
So that I could get through to you somehow
But I guess it’s safe to say baby safe to say
That I’m officially missing you
Well I thought I could just get over you baby
But I see that’s something I just can’t do
From the way you would hold me
To the sweet things you told me
I just can’t find a way
To let go of you
It official
You know that I’m missing you
Yeah yes
All I hear is raindrops
And I’m officially missing you
27 January 2009
hey heyy,, so i fulfil my promise,, i finally updated my blog :)
GONG XI FAT CHOI!! angpaoo na laii,, LOL,, happy chinese nu yer yahh bagi org2 yg merayakan,, bagii yg dpt angpao bnyk,, jgn lupa bagi2,, hihihi,,
this is my promise: from this day,, akan lebihh rajin berolah raga :D
why? let me tell u my stories,,
merupakan hr sebelum xinchia,, udahh custom d keluarga gw hrs mkn mlm brg,, tapii thn ini berbedaa,, siangnyahh,, ada mkn siang xinchia ma popo gw dr nykp,, menunyahh MANTAP! ada ikan,, ayem,, bebek,, babi,, babii,, dan BABIII,, trus balik k rmh buat mkn mlm xinchia ama apo gw dr bokap,, ada ikan,, ayem,, puyunghai,, babii,, dan BABII,, jdii intinyahh,, gw lama2 bisa jdii BABI bnran,, ckck,, parahh2,,
sepertii biasa hr xinchia adalahh hr untuk hunting angpao (terima kasihh sodara2kuhh :D) dan selain hunting angpao,, hr xinchia adalahh harii untuk makan2 brg,, akhirnyahh bs disimpulkan bahwa gw menjadii tambah BUNTEL! (seperti yg d katakan oleh seseorang,, ckck)
well,, intinyahh,, berjanji untuk menjadii lebihh disiplin! yea~
i'm happy :)
inihh berhubungan dgn judul post kmrn inii,,
a promise,,
yea~ i'm waiting for the promise =p
(remon d sebelahh gw nanya apaan promisenyahh,, 'kepo bngd c lu mon,, haha')
note for someone: a while is A WHILE! ckck,,
oh yeah,, this my pic on the chinese nu yer day,, the lil girl is my smallest niece :) so cute!!
-signing out
GONG XI FAT CHOI!! angpaoo na laii,, LOL,, happy chinese nu yer yahh bagi org2 yg merayakan,, bagii yg dpt angpao bnyk,, jgn lupa bagi2,, hihihi,,
this is my promise: from this day,, akan lebihh rajin berolah raga :D
why? let me tell u my stories,,
merupakan hr sebelum xinchia,, udahh custom d keluarga gw hrs mkn mlm brg,, tapii thn ini berbedaa,, siangnyahh,, ada mkn siang xinchia ma popo gw dr nykp,, menunyahh MANTAP! ada ikan,, ayem,, bebek,, babi,, babii,, dan BABIII,, trus balik k rmh buat mkn mlm xinchia ama apo gw dr bokap,, ada ikan,, ayem,, puyunghai,, babii,, dan BABII,, jdii intinyahh,, gw lama2 bisa jdii BABI bnran,, ckck,, parahh2,,
sepertii biasa hr xinchia adalahh hr untuk hunting angpao (terima kasihh sodara2kuhh :D) dan selain hunting angpao,, hr xinchia adalahh harii untuk makan2 brg,, akhirnyahh bs disimpulkan bahwa gw menjadii tambah BUNTEL! (seperti yg d katakan oleh seseorang,, ckck)
well,, intinyahh,, berjanji untuk menjadii lebihh disiplin! yea~
i'm happy :)
inihh berhubungan dgn judul post kmrn inii,,
a promise,,
yea~ i'm waiting for the promise =p
(remon d sebelahh gw nanya apaan promisenyahh,, 'kepo bngd c lu mon,, haha')
note for someone: a while is A WHILE! ckck,,
oh yeah,, this my pic on the chinese nu yer day,, the lil girl is my smallest niece :) so cute!!
-signing out
25 January 2009
heyy heyyy,,
akhirnyahh saia bisa memenuhii janjii saiaa,, akhirnyahh setelahh bbrapa lamaa,, saia mengupdate blog inihhh (kyk ad yg baca dehh,, haha) btw anyway buswayy,, krn inii mlm xinchiaa,, jdii smuanyahh gong xi fat choi yahhh!! angpaoonyahh jgn lupa d bagi2,, hihi,,
today's jinx:
(hr ini gw dtg k rmh oma gw,, dan oma gw memberikan gw 1 jinx)
klo lu liat garis tngan luww,, lihatlahh garis yg plg atas (mudah2an lu pda tauu,, LOL) apakahh yg lurus satuu doang?? ato dua2nyahh? bagii cwo2,, berbahagialah klo dua2nyah lurus,, artinyah lu berpotensi jdii rajaa,, sementara yg cwe,, klo dua2nyahh luruss,, artinyahh umurmu takk panjang nakk,, ckck,, well it's only a jinx,, just believe it or not,,
well,, i'm in a happy mode :)
krn akhirnyahh saia dpt jln brg k GI (gag cuma jln brg biasa lohh,, hihi) tpii disaat yg bersamaan,, temans2 ad yg ngebohongin gw,, ckck,, masa ad bbrapa yg k GI jga tpii gag blg2,, kn bs jln brg,, ckck,, the reason: takut ngeganggu,, ckck,, tpii gpp,, ttp senangs,, dpt bajuu xinchia (finally!!) dan dress bwd swit17 tmn gw (tpii dcnyahh d gantii,, jdii gag bs gw pke dket2 inihh,, ckck)
and there's another reason that make me super duper happy,, (<-- this is related to the title of this post,, LOL)
this is my promise: setelahh xinchia selesaii,, akan lebihh rajin berolah ragaa!!
gilaa,, xinchia tuhh ajangnyahh mkn punyaaa,, tdii siang mkn siang xinchia d rmh oma gw dr nykp,, ada ikan,, bakmie,, ayem,, bebek,, babii,, babii,, BABIII,, gila,, jdii babii bnran gw,, ckck,, mlmnyahh mkn mlm xinchia d rmh gw bersama keluargaa gw dr bokap,, ada ikan,, puyunghaii,, ayem,, bakmiee,, babii,, babii,, BABIII,, ckck,, smuanyahh ajahh babii,, membuat gw tmbh buntel,, xinchia = harii buntel seduniaaa,, LOL,,
and,, thts all folks,, emg nehh post rada gj,, tapii,, yasudalayahh,, yg pnting gw menepatii janjii gw untuk nulis blog,, hihi,, bsk hrs bngun pagii,, saatnyahh untukk NYARII ANGPAOOO,, haha,, cheers!
-signing out :D
--waiting for the promise,,
akhirnyahh saia bisa memenuhii janjii saiaa,, akhirnyahh setelahh bbrapa lamaa,, saia mengupdate blog inihhh (kyk ad yg baca dehh,, haha) btw anyway buswayy,, krn inii mlm xinchiaa,, jdii smuanyahh gong xi fat choi yahhh!! angpaoonyahh jgn lupa d bagi2,, hihi,,
today's jinx:
(hr ini gw dtg k rmh oma gw,, dan oma gw memberikan gw 1 jinx)
klo lu liat garis tngan luww,, lihatlahh garis yg plg atas (mudah2an lu pda tauu,, LOL) apakahh yg lurus satuu doang?? ato dua2nyahh? bagii cwo2,, berbahagialah klo dua2nyah lurus,, artinyah lu berpotensi jdii rajaa,, sementara yg cwe,, klo dua2nyahh luruss,, artinyahh umurmu takk panjang nakk,, ckck,, well it's only a jinx,, just believe it or not,,
well,, i'm in a happy mode :)
krn akhirnyahh saia dpt jln brg k GI (gag cuma jln brg biasa lohh,, hihi) tpii disaat yg bersamaan,, temans2 ad yg ngebohongin gw,, ckck,, masa ad bbrapa yg k GI jga tpii gag blg2,, kn bs jln brg,, ckck,, the reason: takut ngeganggu,, ckck,, tpii gpp,, ttp senangs,, dpt bajuu xinchia (finally!!) dan dress bwd swit17 tmn gw (tpii dcnyahh d gantii,, jdii gag bs gw pke dket2 inihh,, ckck)
and there's another reason that make me super duper happy,, (<-- this is related to the title of this post,, LOL)
this is my promise: setelahh xinchia selesaii,, akan lebihh rajin berolah ragaa!!
gilaa,, xinchia tuhh ajangnyahh mkn punyaaa,, tdii siang mkn siang xinchia d rmh oma gw dr nykp,, ada ikan,, bakmie,, ayem,, bebek,, babii,, babii,, BABIII,, gila,, jdii babii bnran gw,, ckck,, mlmnyahh mkn mlm xinchia d rmh gw bersama keluargaa gw dr bokap,, ada ikan,, puyunghaii,, ayem,, bakmiee,, babii,, babii,, BABIII,, ckck,, smuanyahh ajahh babii,, membuat gw tmbh buntel,, xinchia = harii buntel seduniaaa,, LOL,,
and,, thts all folks,, emg nehh post rada gj,, tapii,, yasudalayahh,, yg pnting gw menepatii janjii gw untuk nulis blog,, hihi,, bsk hrs bngun pagii,, saatnyahh untukk NYARII ANGPAOOO,, haha,, cheers!
-signing out :D
--waiting for the promise,,
SORRY from me
Hey,, sorry i haven't update my blog for soooo lonngggggg (like anyone care,, lol)
but i promise i will update it,, cause i have lots of stories to tell! :D
(but not now cause i'm at school right now,,)
see u at the next post!
signing out,,
-allen cu michelle
but i promise i will update it,, cause i have lots of stories to tell! :D
(but not now cause i'm at school right now,,)
see u at the next post!
signing out,,
-allen cu michelle
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