

harii inii,, saia bangun siang,, laluu mandii,, prgi k kuburan bwd sembahyang,, laluu prgi k ultah philip,, dan plng,, short day for me,, tommorow my sis come back from perth for holiday,, hoping she'll have a pleasant flight :D

well,, sebelum bln ini berakhir,, gw mauu mengucapkan alles gute zum geburtstag -- happy birthday,, buat:
17: marcello//bembi
19: philip + clarissa//dotis
20: devin
21: rheta
25: ernest
29: pa tri (jdii inget pa tri d kerjain ama ank kls gw,, haha,, berkesan tuhh! :D)
31: loren//ddnyah stvn
wish all of u all the best,, may God bless u all >.<

he said that he's all better,, hope he will get well soon so he could go back to jakarta next week,, *LOL* now he's asleep,, want to text him,, but don't want to disturb him,, *sigh*

-i miss u like crazy

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